CDC Facilities Management are experts in mechanical and electrical services. We offer a nationwide 24/7 reactive service to attend any problem. Whether your business is retail, commercial or industrial, CDC Facilities Management will provide a service that meets your specific needs.
CDC Facilities Management are experts in mechanical and electrical services. We offer a nationwide 24/7 reactive service to attend any problem. Whether your business is retail, commercial or industrial, CDC Facilities Management will provide a service that meets your specific needs.
Mechanical: Our mechanical engineers are available 24/7 to support clients with all mechanical servicing and maintenance requirements. We currently operate nationwide, providing tailored maintenance for a range of mechanical equipment.
Electrical: Our team of dedicated electrical engineers are specialists in the maintenance of all electrical systems. We are a reliable, skilled contractor who prides ourself in our service delivery. We provide an extensive range of electrical installation services alongside our planned maintenance regimes.
Delivering reliable, energy-efficient and cost-effective facilities maintenance solutions and HVAC service.