
Secured through open-book tendering and negotiation CDCfm was engaged as specialist contracting partner of choice to this global medical device manufacturing group.

Who we worked with

Project Type : Sachet Filling

Size : 650m2

Duration : 22 weeks

What we did

How we did it

Requiring fast-track delivery and constrained by tight fiscal and programme parameters, this full refurbishment project challenged CDCfm to design and construct over 650m² of controlled manufacturing facility suitable for licensing by the MHRA. With complete responsibility for the critical process mixing and storage installation as well all the cleanroom facilities and associated building services CDCfm provided a genuine turnkey service.

The facility refurbishment began with the partial strip out of the existing building. The application of specialist cleanroom wall finishes was used to line out the building and to create new internal production areas. 40,000 litres of mixing and storage provision together with sophisticated controls linked through to the filling lines was installed in parallel with large scale validated autoclave processing for final sterilisation.

Through professional, collaborative working CDCfm exceeded expectations ensuring the site will become a centre of manufacturing excellence for the group.